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Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

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Research Study: Screening for Coronavirus Antibodies in Neighborhoods (SCAN)
Research Study: Screening for Coronavirus Antibodies in Neighborhoods (SCAN)

The Center for Genetic Medicine facilitates the development of new genetic knowledge and its application to medicine, while improving public understanding of genetics. We support the genetic research of more than 150 faculty members from 28 departments and three schools through our core facilities and services, in addition to offering formal academic programs and public education.

About Us Read a Message from the Director


We are committed to making advances in genetics research more readily accessible to scientists, physicians and the public through training programs, lecture series and collaboration opportunities. Explore our Education section to learn more about the many ways we support education within the field.

Graduate Program in Genetic Counseling

Our graduate program provides a strong foundation in core genetic counseling skills and identifies each student’s strengths in order to ignite the passion and lifelong commitment to learning that is critical to professional development.



State-of-the-art equipment, the latest technologies and expert technical advice are available to scientists at Northwestern and other institutions in the Chicago area through our core facilities.




Transgenic and Targeted Mutagenesis Laboratory


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Research Programs Research Topics



Science at Work: Investigators tackle the pandemic from all sides
Science at Work: Investigators tackle the pandemic from all sides
Why does one Chicago ZIP code have more COVID-19 cases than the next? Finger-prick blood tests may help find an answer.
New Insights into Left Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
New Insights into Left Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
Antibody testing research receives NSF RAPID grant
【喵翻怎么用】喵翻好不好_使用技巧-ZOL软件百科:2021-6-2 · ZOL软件百科为您提供热门实用的{喵翻}问题解答,包括喵翻怎么用,喵翻使用技巧等,让您便捷下载,放心使用 喵翻是一款日文的翻译软件,喵翻是一个免费的galgame自动翻译工具,能帮玩家快速翻译游戏中、电影中的日文字幕,非常神奇哦!
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